Nonprofit Management Certificate
With the increased demand for sustainable funding streams, program metrics verifying outcomes, and new technical skills surrounding nonprofit management, community leaders have requested our help. Oakland University’s Nonprofit Management Certificate (NPMC) program requires completion of 6 courses described below. All six will be offered in rotation and students can begin the certificate instruction with the next available course. These are non-credit courses offered as 10 person minimum cohorts. The NPMC program can be completed 100% online.
If you would like to receive information about this certificate program, including updates about schedules and registration, please complete our NPMC Interest Form.
Pontiac Impact Scholarship is available for those whose work benefits the citizens of Pontiac. If you are interested, complete the Student Assessment Survey and scholarship application.
Course provides an overview of the nonprofit sector, its diversity and impact on the economy, legal and ethical frameworks in which nonprofits exist, and basics of the nonprofit system of governance and trends in nonprofit governance. Weekly topics:
- Nonprofit sector: history, diversity and impact
- Legal frameworks and Governance
- Ethical issues (what are the ethical issues and boundaries of nonprofits in the U.S.)
- Leadership Models and Challenges
- Advocacy, Lobbying, and Collaborations
- Nonprofit challenges and how to cope with it
- Summary of the best management practices in the nonprofit sector
Course addresses issues in performance evaluation in nonprofit organizations, setting program goals and metrics, and managing evaluation with limited resources. Weekly topics:
- Measuring, assessing and evaluating impact at organizational level
- Measuring, assessing and evaluating impact at programmatic level
- Developing measurable and feasible ways of success
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Sustainable strategic planning
- How to report performance
- Trends and challenges in social impact measurement
Course provides knowledge about innovative solutions to social problems, as well as about traditional and new forms of organized fundraising, such as individual giving, special events, understanding grant writing, managing annual giving campaigns, and developing planned giving initiatives. Weekly topics:
- Fundraising and accountability
- Innovations and entrepreneurial ideas in the sector
- Understanding grant writing
- Relationship building
- Planned giving
- Managing annual campaigns
- Summary of innovative activities and fundraising in the nonprofit field
Course addresses board’s roles and responsibilities, board structure and recruitment, ways to better lead nonprofit staff, such as attracting, recruiting, retaining, motivating, supervising employees and volunteers, and personnel regulation related to nonprofits at the state and federal level. Weekly topics:
- Leadership within a nonprofit organization (BOD and CEO) and their roles and responsibilities
- Employment Law
- Staff management and development (attracting, recruiting, retaining, motivating, supervising)
- Volunteer management and development (attracting, recruiting, retaining, motivating, supervising)
- Cultural competency and diversity
- Leadership challenges and moral expectations
- Summary of the best personnel management practices in the nonprofit sector
Course introduces the application of marketing theories in nonprofits, strategies in organizational communication and public relations, use of social media and other means of communications, stakeholder and donor management. Weekly topics:
- Marketing/advertisement
- Ethical use of communications and PR
- Donor management
- Community outreach
- Effective Information/communication technology
- "Big data" in advancing the causes of nonprofits
- Trends, challenges and best practices in communication, marketing and outreach
Course covers financial, fiscal and budgeting management topics integral to nonprofit management, transparency and stewardship of proper financial management, application of accounting principles, and proper reporting. Weekly topics:
- Strategic financial planning
- Financial reporting for nonprofits
- Accounting for nonprofit managers
- Budget development
- Financial investment and savings
- Managing of restricted and unrestricted funds, cash-flow problems
- Overview of principles of proper financial management in nonprofits
Cost per course: $695
Course frequency: One 3-hour instructor-led "meeting session" per week, email communications and assignments.
Total course length: 7 weeks
Total contact hours: 21 hours
25% Prepayment discount on purchase of entire certificate for Michigan Nonprofit Association Members. Login to this page at MNA for discount code.
25% Prepayment discount of purchase of entire certificate for Association of Fundraising Professionals. CFRE education points approved for these courses. Minimum 10 person cohort. (Class will begin as scheduled if 10 students have registered.)
Program Schedule:
Course Title: Management Best Practices in Nonprofit Sector
Instructor: Susan Harding
Course Dates: Sept. 9 to Oct. 21, 2025
Class Times: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Class Format: 100% online synchronous
Course Title: Performance Metrics in Nonprofit Management
Instructor: Flavio Di Stefano
Course Dates: Oct. 28 to Dec. 9, 2025
Class Times: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Class Format: 100% online synchronous
Course Title: Funding and Resource Development
Instructor: Aimee Argel
Course Dates: January 6 to February 17, 2026
Class Times: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Class Format: 100% online synchronous
Course Title: Communications, Marketing and Outreach for Nonprofit Managers
Instructor: Christian Marcillo
Course Dates: March 4 - April 15, 2025
Class Times: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Class Format: 100% online synchronous
Course Title: Leadership and Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations
Instructor: Maureen Rovas
Course Dates: April 22 - June 10, 2025 (no class May 27)
Class Times: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Class Format: 100% online synchronous
Course Title: Financial Management and Accountability for Nonprofit Managers
Instructor: David McGhee
Course Dates: June 17 - July 29, 2025
Class Times: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.
Class Format: 100% online synchronous
Aimee Argel
Senior Director of Individual Giving
Michigan State University
Susan Harding, Ph.D.
Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA)
Flavio Di Stefano
Evaluation Associate
University of Michigan Program Evaluation Group
Christian Marcillo
Future Help Designs
David McGhee
The Steve Fund
Maureen Rovas
Sr. Client Manager, Community Impact
Program Information
Judy Wilson
[email protected]
Registration Information
Professional and Continuing Education
[email protected]
(248) 370-3177
Political Science